The Blog

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where the warmth of family, the artistry of photography, and the beauty of life intersect. I'm absolutely delighted to extend a warm welcome to you as we embark on this exciting journey through my blog.

Imagine yourself surrounded by the stunning vistas of Vancouver, Port Moody, and Coquitlam – it's here that I find inspiration and capture the magic of family connections. From the gentle cradle of a newborn's arms to the radiant glow of an expectant mother, every session is a heartfelt celebration of love and life.

Throughout this blog, I'll share insights, tips, and behind-the-scenes stories to inspire and empower you on your own photography journey. Together, we'll dive into topics like your expectations of a lifestyle photography, packing a hospital bag, capturing authentic moments, and exclusive client photoshoots.

But beyond the technical aspects, we'll also explore the heart of family photography – the laughter, the love, the connections that make each image come alive. Through thoughtful storytelling and genuine connection, my aim is to create photographs that not only reflect the beauty of the moment but also touch the hearts of those who view them.

So, get ready to be inspired, to learn, and to celebrate the beauty of life's most precious moments!